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Hillary Clinton the Most Admired Woman

December 30, 2009

And with good reason, too.

Here ‘ya go:

Asked “what woman living today do you admire the most,” 16 percent cited Clinton, while 15 percent chose Palin. Rounding out the top five were Oprah Winfrey (eight percent), Condoleezza Rice (two percent) and Queen Elizabeth (two percent).

USA Today reports that nearly 30 percent of Democrats chose Clinton, while just six percent of Republicans did so. On the flip side, Palin was the choice of one in three Republicans but less than one percent of Democrats.

Clinton has been among the top two most admired women in the yearly poll for the past 17 years… [emphasis added]

Ummm, Sarah Palin is the second most admired woman? I don’t get that, but I’m not gonna go there because I don’t want a bunch of hate mail about what a mean liberal I am.

And according to CNN, the Secretary of State’s favorable rating is the highest of anyone in the administration.


12 Comments leave one →
  1. Carolyn (Rodham) permalink
    December 30, 2009 8:54 pm

    Soooooo happy Pelosi is not mentioned.
    HRC also scored higher than any one else in the cabinet — and her boss — in today’s CNN poll

  2. December 31, 2009 2:51 am

    Carolyn! I almost spewed the screen with Crystal-Lite peach iced tea! I never even THOUGHT about her! LMAO! Pelosi? Admired? Gimme a break. So funny!

  3. pcfs1 permalink
    December 31, 2009 8:51 am

    WTG Hillary. She has worked her butt off for years in her service to our country and for Womens rights. God Speed HRC. You go girl. We are so proud of you.

  4. Maria Dizon permalink
    December 31, 2009 11:44 pm

    Oh wow,thats my girl!! Oh, God Pelosi?? Thank God shes not there. LOL Shes a nutcase!! I won’t forget how she dissed Hillary during the primary. And she even needed proof of “sexism” during the primary?? Shes just full of it. Oprah? duh. I despise her after supporting O-hole!!Shes just a drama queen!!! Nothin else!! And its her money that keeps her where she is.

  5. AmericanBill permalink
    January 1, 2010 10:45 am

    She barely squeaked out Sarah Palin, which says a lot. Sorry guys, after a failed term as secretary of state, Hillary will retire and Palin’s career will just be taking off. Hillary Clinton made a huge mistake in joining Bambi Obama’s administration. What has Clinton and he accomplished other than almost destroying our relationship with Israel, a total dud of a policy in Afghanistan, selling out our allies in Poland with missile defense in order to kiss Russia’s ass? And Hillary made it clear right at the beginning where her loyalties were when it comes to China- she’s been kissing their ass in a way that makes us look weak. Then they both ended up being a total embarrassment in Copenhagen where they set up expectations that they would actually accomplish something. Hillary swooped in to save the day and ended up leaving with her tail between her legs as she and Obama sold out most of the world so that China could continue polluting it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad there was no treaty because the who climate change movement is a farce, but it doesn’t change the fact that the administration failed to accomplish something yet AGAIN.

    • rachel permalink
      January 1, 2010 11:35 am

      Hillary has always been strong on human rights especially women’s rights. She traveled to the congo and met with rape victims something no other secretary of state has done. She did what she had to in copenhagen. She called China’s bluff. They wanted money without transparency that was a no go. As far as Sarah palin well the media has put her in our face about 24/7 so not surpised many “conservatives” look up to her they have no other conserative female to look up to. Sorry you can’t see that American Bill.

      • pcfs1 permalink
        January 1, 2010 12:42 pm

        Right on Rachel. I so agree with you. Madame Sec has not failed any foreign relations test. She is so loved by many around the globe. She is doing a wonderful job at state dept. This is why she is the most admired women of our time. Palin needs a lot of grooming IMO.

    • Terry permalink
      January 1, 2010 1:19 pm

      I could comment negatively here but I think I’ll just ignore this guy.

  6. Carolyn (Rodham) permalink
    January 1, 2010 5:58 pm

    There are two kinds of Hillary-haters in this world:
    1) the ones who vilified, and crucified, and utterly despised her throughout the primaries, who yowled to the heavens at her audacity in staying in the race through the last contest, the ones who then urged her to crawl under a rock and just go away, the others who grudgingly admitted her speech at the convention was pretty good but howled again when Obama courted her for SOS, the ones who consoled themselves with the thought/hope that she would be the most marginalized SOS in the history of the entire world — make that universe, because scientists tell us there are parallel Earths out there — the ones who watched Hillary’s approval ratings rise as their guy’s slipped and slipped some more, the ones who started grumbling as one campaign promise after another was broken, the ones who watched Hillary roll up her sleeves and set our foreign policy on a new course — even if she didn’t always agree with some of the particulars– the ones who finally, finally turned to me a few weeks back and said, regarding health care, “Hillary would have gotten this done the right way.” The ones whose hatred has been replaced by respect. The ones who stand ready to support her in 2012 or 2016.

    2) The ones who will hate her no matter what, who the hell knows why, just because.

    Guess which group you’re in, AmericanBill?

  7. May 8, 2012 9:27 am

    Hillary Clinton is well respected, unlike the joke Sarah Palin. She is a walking
    soap operah. Driving her bus around making people think she is running for president when she was not. I admire Hillary Clinton and I think she can run our country just as well as any man! You go Hillary !! I hope she continue to be part of running our country. If she does not she will be sadly missed. As for Sarah Palin, oh please. Really? She is an airhead and dont know how she got this far. Well she really didnt did she! Sarah has no career.

  8. June 24, 2013 1:26 pm

    She is a amazing women. There is no doubt about that

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