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Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: Only Going to Serve One Term

January 22, 2010

This morning on Morning Joe, Tavis Smiley was talking about his new show (Tavis Smiley Reports) which features an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at Secretary Clinton’s day-to-day work at the State Dept. (and of course interviews) which will air January 27th (and that is the Clinton episode). Smiley said that when he asked Clinton if she would serve in a second Obama term (if Obama has one), she was very clear in her desire to NOT serve a second term.

Here is the show, you have to go to about halfway into the video (I”m not sure exactly where it is)- the video is 12 minutes and the part where Smiley is talking about Hillary is in the middle:

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Tavis Smiley on Morning Joe“, posted with vodpod

Also, about a week ago I posted three videos which were previews of Smiley’s interviews with Secretary Clinton and I am just going to re-post them here as a reminder that the show will be coming up soon and in case folks missed didn’t see the videos:

Here are three promotional videos from his interview with Secretary Clinton:

Video # 1

Video #2

Video #3


22 Comments leave one →
  1. Carolyn (Rodham) permalink
    January 22, 2010 7:32 pm

    That reminds me — I read a rumor somewhere that Obama plans to have Biden step down as VP for the 2012 election to be replaced by — Hillary. The idea was this would supposedly position her perfectly for another Presidential run in 2016.

    • theprosecutrix permalink
      January 22, 2010 8:36 pm

      I saw the same thing. I certainly wouldn’t mind it if that happened. All we can do is wait and see what she decides to do. She’s served this country tirelessly for years and I would understand completely if she said that because she hopes to retire in 2012, but I would love it if she ran again. There’s hardly a resume in the world as prestigious as hers; President of the United States would be the Pièce de résistance. And if this were to happen she’d have not one, but two more firsts; America’s first female vice-president and her first female president.

      • PYW permalink
        January 23, 2010 12:07 am

        I wouldn’t mind that either. BTW, has anyone served eight years as secretary of state? It’s just too much of a demanding job.

    • FreedonOSpeech permalink
      January 27, 2010 7:45 pm

      I hope she runs, and so does every other Republican in the country!

  2. January 22, 2010 8:16 pm

    I have been thinking that Hillary might be ask to run as VP simply because she will be greatly needed on the ticket. She is an incredible campaigner. She’s the real deal. It’s just been a feeling that I’ve kept to myself. And, we have a ways to go before election time. So who knows.

    • veyry permalink
      January 23, 2010 1:47 am

      hi guys ;

      I wish HILLARY run for pres on 2012, and send BO to rest, because if he continues as a failure as he’s right now, I don’t want her any close to him as she’s right now.He’s a fake and the whole world is watching. We’re here for you HillARY!2012 OR 2016!

  3. Terry permalink
    January 23, 2010 2:45 am

    The last two weeks have been horrible, just horrible capped by the supreme court ruling. I couldn’t be more depressed. Hillary has proven loyal to Obama but if his presidency is failing I would rather she leave than be pulled down with him. If the current political climate continues, however, I don’t want her to run for higher office again. Her talents can be better used in the private sector. The government of this country is almost dysfunctional. Unless a new way of governing emerges really really soon, I don’t hold out much hope the change we dreamed about during the primaries will ever happen.

    • January 23, 2010 1:25 pm

      I agreewith you
      Terry- I prefer that she not go down with the Obama or the Democrats ship.
      Just retire for now! She has already proven herself to be more than what either party deserves – why allow them to drag her threw the mud. The two party system is about to burst wide open – there is a new party in town – she should step out while we the people rearrange the furniture.

      • Carolyn (Rodham) permalink
        January 23, 2010 6:43 pm

        What if she spearheaded a third party — say, my Independence party? What if BOTH Dems AND Repubs in Congress faced serious challenges from Independent candidates, running on a platform of real reform of the political process — public campaign financing; abolishing the filibuster; passing a constitutional amendment to overturn the horrific Citizens United ruling; hmm, what else, as long as I’m dreaming? I mean, if she’s planning on retiring, what would she have to lose? It would be one last glorious chance to tap into the deep frustration with our broken political system and really leave her mark on history — in addition to becoming the first woman POTUS. 😉

  4. January 23, 2010 10:28 am

    I had thought a while back that if Biden stepped down after one term, for whatever reason, it would be a great opportunity for Obama to select Hillary as his VP, setting her up for a run in 2016. Although, that’s a lot of “ifs.” Also, whatever Hillary decides should be respected- she’s spent decades in public service and I wouldn’t blame her if she retired to do other things. That said, I’d be thrilled if she ran again.

  5. Lucy permalink
    January 23, 2010 11:08 am

    It´s very difficult to be the President of USA and the US Sectretary of State at the same time 😉 She knows herself what is the best for her. I would like to see Hillary running for president again. But I would fully respect and understand her decision, if she decided to stay away from another presidential race.

  6. Sofia permalink
    January 23, 2010 11:42 am

    I personally think she can do better than to serve as Vice President to Obama. Except in the case of Cheney, it is doubtful as to what authority the VP really holds. I envision Hillary as an amazing leader of a nonprofit organization, if she decided to do something like that.

    • Carolyn (Rodham) permalink
      January 23, 2010 1:01 pm

      Would she be able to fund-raise as VP for a 2016 Presidential run? If so, then being VP would position her perfectly — no real job responsibilities and all the time in the world to gear up for the campaign!

  7. villager4ever permalink
    January 24, 2010 3:02 am

    I would say we should look at this as ONE ELECTION AT A TIME! The way this totus is performing now does not put him as a viable and re-electable candidate anytime in the future. Unless things change, the assumption of VP for our Hillary in the 2012 election is not where she belongs. He might carry her to the ground with him. So let’s read, watch, listen and SUPPORT her as SOS, and test/challenge his abilities, qualifications, records.

  8. Scranton4Hillary permalink
    January 24, 2010 9:25 am

    Biden has been nothing but an embarassement to the office and the nation. Too bad ME-shell Obla-bla made the VP decision for the Boy-King. Had Obama selected Hillary as VP he would have been a more effective POTUS and not such a huge disappointment. He needed a mentor not a bumbling side-kick. Remember–this clown is a heartbeat away from being the president of the most pwoerful nation in the world.
    Pretty scarey, huh?
    I believe Barry will ask Hillary to be his VP when Biden resigns to “spend more time with his family.” I suspect Biden is suffering the early stages of dementia.

  9. NancyinCali permalink
    January 24, 2010 12:31 pm

    If i could flash forward to 2012 and have her be Prez, I’d be thrilled. But the likelihood of this happening is nearly impossible. I simply do not see her running against a sitting Democrat President. The only way would be if O stepped down because he didn’t want to run a 2nd term, but I don’t see that happening – it would weaken the dems too much.

  10. January 24, 2010 3:45 pm

    Carolyn- The independence party of NY? I don’t know much about it- are they similar to libertarians? I went to a website about them and that’s what it sounded like to me. I have often wished there would be a viable third party candidate and if there was ever a time that they could perhaps make a dent in the two party monopoly in this country, it’s now.

    I think one of the problems is that the two parties have crafted the rules in such a way as to make it almost impossible to have a viable third party even during a time when people are disgusted with both of them. They have also done a good job of convincing everyone that by voting for a third party it’s “throwing away” a vote. I don’t think any vote is a throw-away because it’s a constitutional right to vote for who we damn well please.

    I am not sure I see Hillary signing on with a third party- the Clintons are practically a democratic institution much like the Kennedys with all the negatives and positives that implies.

    I’ve always voted democratic except in local elections in PA where the Republicans tended to at times be more socially liberal. But 90% of the time I am disgusted with the Dems and now is one of those times.

    • Carolyn (Rodham) permalink
      January 24, 2010 7:21 pm

      The libertarians are an established national party with a more defined platform than independents, who tend to be disaffected former members of the two major parties — like me (I was a Democrat for 36 years). But you’re right
      — there is some overlap on the issues (emphasis on small gov’t, personal
      responsibility, etc.) My heart is with the Dems but I couldn’t stomach the party anymore after 2008. Changing parties was a protest vote.

  11. Linda Smith permalink
    January 26, 2010 2:36 pm

    Since he’s taken office, I’ve heard Obama repeatedly make remarks about possibly being a “one term president”. It’s almost as if he’s setting things up to bow out after 4 years. Perhaps he feels he has already made his greatest accomplishment and is not interested in the day to day problems of being president. Perhaps he is going to pave the way for Hillary to run in 2012…just some conjecture.

  12. Lisa permalink
    January 27, 2010 11:36 am

    The comment about Clinton not wanting to serve a second term is at 11:50 — about.

  13. August 23, 2013 4:50 pm

    she is wicked


  1. Hillary Clinton On The Tavis Smiley Show : NO QUARTER

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