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Dear Big-Time Hillary Clinton Donors: The Wedding is Not About YOU

July 25, 2010

Sheesh. Some people are so entitled!:

U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton explained to the many friends that she and her husband, former U.S. President Bill Clinton, have made over many years of public service that while she loves them all, their daughter Chelsea’s wedding is her own, and not theirs.

The implication is that, as Clinton has emphasized, the event will be a private affair for approximately 400 guests that are in one way or another directly related to the bride or the groom, Marc Mezvinsky – and not to the election campaign drives of the bride’s parents.

However, Clinton’s announcement presumably did not reach some of her colleagues who had hoped in vain to receive an invitation to the wedding. A week before the wedding ceremony on July 31 in Rhinebeck, New York – according to the most recent rumors in the U.S. – it has become clear that the invitations will not arrive, and some of the uninvited have criticized the decision anonymously, as reported in the New York Times.

“I’m good enough for them when they want to borrow a plane, but not good enough for them to invite to their daughter’s wedding?” complained one Clinton insider that would lend the Clintons his private jet from time to time…

[emphasis added]

Yes, anonymous private-plane lender, that’s right, you’re not invited. Get over it. What does your private plane have to do with Chelsea Clinton and her future husband, Marc Mesvinsky? And unless the Clintons have a lot of people who “lend” them private planes, I have a feeling they are going to know who YOU are, but perhaps that’s the point of your speaking to the media? This money bag should be ashamed because he has essentially admitted that he lends the plane to the Clintons not because he is a generous person…God no!…but rather because he wants something in return. Lovely.

How many times has Hillary Clinton said the wedding is not about she and Bill but rather about her daughter and her fiance and NOT about political supporters and hangers-on (ok, she didn’t say that last bit about hangers-on, I did)? The wedding will have approximately 400 guests according to media reports. I personally don’t know 400 people so that seems huge to me. But President Clinton and Secretary Clinton probably know thousands and thousands of people- so, what, they are supposed to invite everyone? That’s ridiculous.

The Washington Post also has an article about how, essentially, it’s not really the media’s business what, where, when and how Chelsea Clinton is getting married and I couldn’t agree more.

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18 Comments leave one →
  1. Thain permalink
    July 25, 2010 12:03 pm

    Sing it Sister!

    Who is the dude with the plane? Ron Burkle?

    • rachel permalink
      July 25, 2010 1:26 pm

      Well there can’t help but to be hurt feelings if people thought they were close and they are not, but they should suck it up and realize that It is chelsea and marc’s wedding not Hill’s and bills. I would assume that every bride and groom would have wanted to at least have met the people at their wedding. I think that guy is Bing didnt he lend Bill the plane to go get those girls from North Korea. These people crying about not beign invited should have no fear if they want to collect autographs and call in favors I hear president Obama is having a 30,000 dollar a head birthday party.

      • July 25, 2010 1:35 pm

        Yeah, I understand that some people may wish they had been invited but Hillary made it pretty clear from the beginning that the wedding would be for Chelsea and Marc’s friends, not necessarily theirs (Bill and Hillary) which seems pretty rational to me. In fact, because of that, people really shouldn’t have their feelings hurt if they are friends of Hilary and Bill and weren’t invited. It probably would have been harder had the wedding been really, really huge- like 1,000 because at the end of the day, some people would still of course be left out and there would be even more hurt feelings because the wedding was so big, you know what I mean? Where would they draw the line?

        I also think its one thing for people to wish they had gotten an invite but it’s quite another to go complaining about it to the press. That seems sort of shallow to me.

        I’m not an expert on marriage ceremonies so correct me if I am wrong, but these days a lot of younger people have changed the way weddings are done/performed, whatever- many times because of cost, they seem to be focusing less on their parents friends on more on theirs which makes perfect sense to me. I think that that’s a bit of a generational thing. But I could be wrong.

  2. HillaryFan permalink
    July 25, 2010 12:09 pm

    Thank you! I’ve been thinking the exact same thing- people are so selfish. It’s Chelsea’s wedding and she can invite whomever she wants. That some seem to think this should be some political reunion and that they complain publicly is really nervy.

  3. July 25, 2010 1:15 pm

    The price of the wedding has also been contentious in the media. $2 million dollars (including $250,000 for flowers and $750,000 for catering for 400 guests; see

    • rachel permalink
      July 25, 2010 1:28 pm

      and none of the people speaking about the cost are planning the wedding

      • July 25, 2010 1:43 pm

        Yeah, it’s really no one’s business.

        I can’t personally imagine spending 2 million dollars on anything but then again, I don’t have tens of millions of dollars, so I guess its all relative.

        At the end of the day, no matter what the Clintons do, there are going to be people- both in the media and outside of it- that take issue with anything they do. Had the wedding cost $5,000 there would probably be someone saying they were filthy rich and being cheap. If the wedding were so huge so as to have a thousand people, people would be saying it was ostentatious.

        I think some of the media frenzy about the wedding is silly. Let Chelsea and Marc get some privacy- it’s obvious that Hillary and Bill jealously guard Chelsea’s privacy so why can’t people respect that?

        I know, I know, we have a celebrity culture, etc. etc.

        Oh, and one more thing- I’m gonna go out on a very thin limb and say the public speculation about whether Chelsea is going to convert to Judaism, whether the wedding will be a Jewish or Christian or mixed wedding is borderline inappropriate. I have read the most pushy, obnoxious articles about this. Religion is a private matter and she and Marc should do whatever they damn well please. I think all the buzz and in some cases anxiety about it is a sad reminder that even in 2010 some people still are NOT comfortable with so-called mixed/interfaith marriages. I personally think such marriages are great- it shows a refreshing open-mindedness. But that’s just me.

        I know Hillary very eloquently spoke to the interfaith issue in her interview with Andrea Mitchell. As I was listening to Hillary talk about it I couldn’t help but think it’s wonderful that Chelsea has such a supportive, loving, open-minded mother who respects her choices. And that’s what it’s about to me- respecting people’s choices.

      • rachel permalink
        July 25, 2010 2:18 pm

        Dont shoot me, because I totally understand and respect Chelsea’s privacy but I think the reason people speculate and are trying to get info about the wedding is because Chelsea has just never spoken about her self personally which is her right but there will always be gossip because people just can’t fathom not wanting to go on goodmorining america, oprah etc and talk all about theirself if they were in her position. Hopefully once the wedding is over the media speculation will go down, until the is she or isn’t she pregnant stories come. I have no idea why people care if she converts if she does or doesn’t its not the end of the world.

      • PYW permalink
        July 25, 2010 7:43 pm

        Exactly. It’s only an estimate made by people who have zero connection to the wedding, and the media reports the figure like it’s etched in stone.

  4. July 25, 2010 2:24 pm

    @rachel- who’s going to shoot you? Not me 😉

    I agree with you. The more private a person is, the more people want to know about them.

    I guess I would just hope that people would understand that having grown up in the public eye basically since birth, Chelsea might want to have some privacy and not always be in the public spotlight simply because her parents are who they are. I also understand why Bill and Hillary are so protective of Chelsea’s privacy. Totally understandable. But I also understand our culture really doesn’t care about people’s wishes for privacy and the media can at times be downright obnoxious.

    • rachel permalink
      July 25, 2010 3:30 pm

      Thanks for not shooting me 🙂 I agree with you. I mean I hope we get a couple of pictures but totally understand about the privacy. I don’t know about anyone else but Bill was the first person I was old enough to vote for president and the media was so horrible to Chelsea for a while during his terms it would be nice to see a picture of Chelsea happy

      • July 25, 2010 3:36 pm

        Agreed. If I were the Clintons and wanted privacy regarding the wedding, I would let major news orgs know that we would be releasing a few official photos of the bride and groom and that is it! Kind of like Huma and Anthony Weiner did. Then maybe they would calm down a bit knowing that they would be getting a photo, which is clearly what they want. They probably also want a guest list, but oh well, they can’t have everything.

        And of course, it would be nice for us to see an official photo although whatever they choose is fine by me.

      • PYW permalink
        July 25, 2010 7:46 pm

        I agree with you, too, rachel, lol.

  5. plural permalink
    July 26, 2010 9:00 am

    Hillary has said over and over that this is her daughter’s wedding, and it’s private.

    Bush’s daughter got married without all this intrusion by the media. I don’t get it.

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  7. August 5, 2010 11:23 pm

    Ron Burkle’s poison pill reaches into other businesses. Ron Burkle was on KB Home Board of Directors when he built this Lemon. he has never answered a single letter sent to him. B&N customers to expect the same customer service. Google “KB Home Sucks” I’m not the only one abandoned by Burkle and KB Home. Just because your a Billionaire does not excuse your behavior, obviously the billions were made on the backs of the small guy. Ron your a disappointment not a savior of society.

  8. August 6, 2010 12:38 pm

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  9. June 22, 2013 3:11 pm

    She has a beautiful daughter

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